3 December 2015

Training on quality management, food safety, GLOBALG.A.P. and value chain management


Project description
Most of the farmers in Suriname are lacking skills and knowledge in value chain management and quality and food safety issues such as GLOBALG.A.P., BRC and IFS. A fundamental uniform approach is lacking. A transition from agricultural production towards consumer driven commercial agri-business in Suriname is the goal. The quality management system needs harmonization, demand driven and in line with international developments. In this TMT-project, (female) farmers in fruit and vegetables are trained to be more competitive in the field of value chain management, implementation of GLOBALG.A.P. and other food safety standards.


Project partners
Capricorn Projekt B.V.


Photo at the top
Visiting Sherwin Boeddha with the Foundation for Rural Women Suriname

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